Friday 14 March 2008

Dúshlán Léamh Trasatlantach - TransAtlantic Reading Challenge

30 schools in Clare are competing in the County Library’s second Transatlantic Reading Challenge. The total number of children involved this year is 2,430. These young book enthusiasts are reading more than ever before in an effort to be named the best readers in the world, as they compete with schools in Canada, USA and London in a friendly and positive way.
Clare County Library staff and members of the Clare Garda Division under the direction of Sergeant John Staunton will visit all schools taking part during the six month project. With the help of the teachers involved they will actively engage in the promotion of reading, and also in the promotion of the resources available to our young people through the library service.
The Reading Challenge was established ten years ago by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as part of their Adopt-a-Library Literacy Program. With this aim in mind, library staff, teachers and thousands of children in Clare will work together to endorse the virtues of reading.
€2000 will go to the school in Clare that reads the most books between November 2007 and April 2008. They will also then have a chance to win an additional overall prize of €2000, if they out-read the other competing schools.
For further information, contact Patricia Fitzgerald by emailing or by phone at 065.6846266.

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