Tuesday 10 June 2008

Cumbrian Stone Axe on display at Clare Museum

Clare Museum and the Irish Stone Axe Project (ISAP) at University College Dublin have uncovered evidence of a 6000-year-old trade link between Ireland and Great Britain. A stone axe uncovered in Doolin, County Clare in 2000 was recently confirmed as having likely originated in the Great Langdale and Scafell areas of Cumbria. The Neolithic or ‘New Stone Age’ (4000-2500BC) is generally regarded as the period in which Ireland became a predominantly agricultural-based society. As well as being the first Irish farmers, the people of this period were the creators of field systems and the builders of great tombs such as those found in the Burren in County Clare. Tools, usually in the form of stone axes, were used to clear great tracts of oak and elm woodland, which covered most of the country. Studies on the finely polished implement have found that it is different to the typical dark grey shale axes produced at a site close to the cobble beach at Doolin. More significantly, petrological analysis indicates that the pale green axe was of a type of stone known as tuff, which is typical of the tools produced in Cumbria. This discovery reinforces suggestions that trade links existed between the west of Ireland and western Britain during the Neolithic era. The stone axe has been on display since Tuesday, May 20 and will remain on display at Clare Museum in Ennis over the summer months. Also included for display will be a recently conserved bronze axehead acquired by the museum in 2004. This socketed and looped axehead was discovered at Knockloskeraun in Kilmurry-Ibrickane, County Clare. Although badly damaged by time and weathering the metal has been conserved and stabilised, thus ensuring its survival into the future.

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