Thursday 26 June 2008

TRADING SPACE – art in Ennistymon shop windows 17th to 31st July

Trading Space features an exhibition of work by artists in various window fronts throughout Ennistymon.
Participating artists and their selected venues include:
Jackie Askew/ drawing, photography - Dalys;
Maria Connole/ painting - Gilnas' Optometrist;
Maeve Collins/ installation, performance - The Square;
Sarah Fuller, Maria Kerin, Vanessa Earl Maguire/ performance, video - Griffins & another venue yet to be selected;
Tabatha Gravener/drawing - The Medical Centre;
Rob Henderson/ sculpture installation – Haran’s Pub;
Josie O'Connor/print - Chinese Take Away;
Fiona O'Dwyer/ print;
Judy O'Sullivan/ photography - The Courthouse Studios;
Patsy Ricks/ painting – Cooley’s;
Fergus Tighe/ film - McCaws (window between Eugene’s and Cooley’s Pubs).

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