Friday 19 September 2008

EPA Climate Change lecture

The Environmental Protection Agency, in response to the large number of requests for more lectures following the earlier series, will host another Climate Change lecture, on Tuesday, 21st October 2008, at the Mansion House, Dublin at 7.00 pm. The speaker will be Dr Wilfried Haeberli, Director of the World Glacier Monitoring Service, which is based in Geneva. He will speak on recent trends in global glacier changes. Dr Wilfried Haeberli will outline the findings from the recently published UNEP report on Global Glacier Changes: Facts and Figures. This report presents information on the latest fluctuations of glaciers and ice caps and underlies the overall trend of glaciers retreat. The report confirms that the average annual melting rate of glaciers appears to have doubled after the turn of the millennium with record losses in 2006 for a key network of reference sites. Dr Haeberli will outline the significance of recent trends in ice retreat in terms of impacts on the environment, human health, natural hazards, water and energy supply.
To book your (free) place, please email your contact details (name, organisation, phone number, email address) to Clara Clark, Clara Clark Event Management Ltd at with Climate Change 21 Oct in the subject line.
Simultaneous regional broadcasts of this lecture:
In response to requests for out-of-Dublin presentations and to reduce carbon footprint, it is hoped to simultaneously broadcast this lecture to seated audiences in the following locations: University of Limerick, NUI Galway, UCC, and Waterford IT. Booking to attend the lecture in the regional locations will be through local organisers in each of the hosting locations. Contact details will be provided in a follow-up post in early October.

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