Friday 26 September 2008

Short Story Competition

Mitchelstown International Short Story Competition 2008, formerly The William Trevor Short Story Competition, is now accepting entries. A shortlist of 20 stories will be selected by well known short story writers Nuala Ni Chonchuir and Vincent McDonnell, from which the winners will be chosen by writer John MacKenna. Each story should contain a maximum of 3000 words and should be submitted, by post only, on or before Friday 12th. December 2008. The winner will receive a prize of €2,500 and a laptop computer. Five runners up will receive cash prizes of €200each. There is an entry fee of €20.00 per entry and each entry must have an official entry form attached. Further details can be found on

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this information…I am very Glad and happy to participate in this contest.
