Friday 17 October 2008

School’s Out for the Children’s Book Festival

Hundreds of children and their teachers are a regular sight this month on the footpaths and roads of Clare, on their way to their local library for Children’s Book Festival Events. Poetry workshops, children’s puppet theatre, Halloween art workshops, storytelling and author visits are just some of the events that have taken place in libraries around the county so far. The Miriam Lambert Puppet Theatre performed to packed venues and kept children and adults mesmerized with their version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Best-selling children’s author Karen McCombie met with six hundred children from primary and post-primary level to share her books, and her inspiration and love of writing with her many devoted fans. Storyteller Niall deBurca and author Áine Ni Ghlinn provided bi-lingual stories and readings for gaelscoileanna and children from senior classes in primary schools. And that’s not all! The Super Furry Animals Roadshow is one of the last events of the Children’s Book Festival. Scariff and Killaloe Libraries will host this event on Thursday the 23rd of October and Ennis and Corofin Libraries on Friday the 24th. The show focuses on the importance of bio-diversity and a healthy environment with the added bonus of a “stuffed” animal display for children to explore. Contact your local library for details or visit

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