Tuesday 20 January 2009

New book promotion - Around the World in 22 Books

Around the World in 22 BooksClare County Library has launched a new travel book promotion entitled Around the World in 22 Books. This promotion aims to bring together a selection of the best in travel writing, whether well-recognised classics of travel literature from authors such as Freya Stark and Wilfred Thesiger or prize winning authors such as Richard Grant and Ma Jian. Leaflets have been produced to accompany the promotion in which a short description of each book is provided. The promotion, containing five copies of each book, will tour all of the branch libraries beginning in De Valera Library in Ennis where it will remain for 3 months. It is hoped that this collection will capture the hearts of devout armchair travellers as well as those unfamiliar with the genre. In these recessionary times, at least we can read about exotic destinations even if we cannot afford to actually go there!

1 comment:

  1. This armchair traveler over in California thinks your promotion sounds great! I'm excited to look more closely at the books you selected.
