Friday 24 July 2009

Democracy and Dialogue Short Online Film Competition

Make a short film on Democracy & Dialogue and have your work screened at this year's Darklight Film Festival. The European Commission Representation in Ireland and the Darklight Film Festival invite you to make a short online film on the theme of 'Democracy & Dialogue' - and what it means to you. Online media is a powerful force in the 21st Century: using the internet as a forum for debate, individuals can bypass the established press, TV and radio, and let the power of their ideas make change. And this is where you come in. Make a short film, one inspired by the notion of Democracy & Dialogue. It doesn't matter if you record it on your mobile phone, a state of the art digital video camera, or create your own DIY animation - the idea’s the thing. Make it a comedy, a tragedy, a documentary, an animation - whatever takes your fancy. It's about self-expression. And if it gets people thinking, even better. The winning entry will win a state of the art HD Digital camera worth €1800 and have their work screened this October at the 2009 Darklight Film Festival. As this is an internet competition, your entries need to be uploaded onto a video hosting site - You Tube, Google Video, Vimeo... Once you do that, submit your link, along with your details, on the ‘Entry’ page. Entries must be submitted by email by 11 September. The winner will not only be selected on the basis of the best film produced, but also by the number of hits their video gets. 75% of the marks for the movie will be given over to creativity and imagination, and 25% for building an audience. More info at

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