Friday 2 October 2009

Clare County Library celebrates Roald Dahl Day

Clare County Library celebrates Roald Dahl Day

Back row, left to right - Eldalie Mooney (Tuamgraney), Hazel Sturton (Tuamgraney), Turlough O' Cinneide (Scariff), Anne Marie Flanagan (Ennis), Sean O' Rourke (Mountshannon). Front row, l to r - Rhian Quigley (Newport), Shane Walsh (Ogonelloe), Andrew Cahir Whelan (Ennis). Missing from the picture Liam O Sullivan (Lisdoonvarna) and Rowan Powell (Miltown Malbay).

On Friday 25th September the winners of the Design a Chocolate Bar competition were announced in Scariff Public Library while customers enjoyed a chocolate tasting thanks to Wilde Irish Chocolate. The competition, run by Clare County Library with generous prizes provided by Wilde Irish Chocloate, Tuamgraney, was held to celebrate Roald Dahl Day 2009 on September 13th. Children aged 13 and under were asked to imagine designing a new chocolate bar for Willy Wonka. In excess of 600 entries were received from children all over the county. Patricia Farrell of Wilde Irish Chocolates presented the prizes. The winners were:
1st: Sean O' Rourke, Mountshannon 'Celtic Credit Crunch Bar' - Prize:€100 Hamper of Wilde Irish Chocolate and limited edition Celtic Credit Crunch Bar produced by Wilde Irish Chocolate.
2nd: Liam O' Sullivan, Lisdoonvarna 'Wildely Wicked' – Prize: €50 Hamper of Wilde Irish Chocolate
3rd: Rhian Quigley, Newport 'Runaway Rasins' – Prize: €25 Hamper of Wilde Irish Chocolate
Consolation Prizes were presented for:
Wackiest Bar - Rowan Powell, Miltown Malbay 'Willy Wonka's Seaweed Surprise'.
Most Thoughful Bar - Turlough O' Cinneide, Scariff 'Our Family Bar'.
Best Artwork - Hazel Sturton and Eldalie Mooney Tuamgraney 'What Kids Want (WKW)'.
Cutest Bar - Andrew Cahir Whelan, Ennis 'Ba-ba Bar'.
Funniest Bar - Anne Marie Flanagan, Ennis 'Giggle Goo'.
Most Do-able at Home Bar - Shane Walsh, Ogonelloe 'Wonky Bar'.

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