Friday 9 April 2010

The Fifth Aughty Earth Day Gathering - 17th April

aughty.orgA celebration of hospitality around the Sliabh Eachtaí or the Slieve Aughty Mountains, the Fifth Aughty Earth Day Gathering will be held in the community centre, Gort on Saturday, 17th of April 2010. The annual event provides a platform for community groups in counties Clare and Galway to share information and to tell their own stories and experiences around themes of local heritage interest. The focus of Slógadh Eachtaí - Gort 2010 is:
Making it Happen - Our Own Stories
• From Schoolhouse to Museum - The Story of Kiltartan Gregory Museum by Ms. Rena McAllen and Sr. de Lourdes Fahy - Kiltartan Gregory Cultural Society.
• Ardrahan Community Heritage Projects - Karen O'Neill - Ardrahan.
• Killinane graveyard Restoration Project - Dympna Fahy - Kilchreest Castledaly Heritage Group.
• East Clare Heritage - Twenty Years a growing - Gerard Madden, Tuamgraney.
• Placenames of the Parish of Inchicronan - Gerry Kennedy - Heritage Inchicronan
• Restoration of the Holy Wells of Beithe - Tony Diviney - Beagh Integrated Rural Development Association
• Music of the Sliabh Aughty Region - Mary Coen | Tim Collins
• Sarsfields Way - Ultach names and sites of Monuments and Places of Interest around Woodford - Dermot Moran.
Slógadh Eachtaí | Gort 2010 - The 5th Aughty Gathering - is hosted by community groups from Ardrahan, Beithe, Kiltartan, Killanena and Gort Inse Guaire. Registration from 9.00 am. Opening at 10.00 am.The event is open to the public and admittance is free of charge. A selection of local history / heritage publications will also be available to view and for purchase. More information...

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