Wednesday 21 April 2010

Kate Thompson visits deValera Library, Ennis as guest at recent book club meeting.

Kate Thompson visits deValera Library, Ennis as guest at recent book club meeting. Students from Clare Youth Service and staff of Clare County Library were thrilled to welcome author Kate Thompson to their April book club meeting. This particular group which meets each month in deValera Library Ennis immediately engaged with Kate’s book Creature of the Night when they read it in recent weeks. The story had a greater impact when the characters, the setting and the whole experience of its creation were discussed in depth by its author at a casual get together in the library. Kate also talked about her other books which have to date been translated into many languages and her interaction with publishers and illustrators. Simple advice to the group such as always having a pen and notebook near at hand to jot down thoughts and ideas was just one of the tricks of the trade that Kate shared with the group who have a renewed interest in books and reading as a result of her visit.
Included in the picture above are Jason Keane, Milan Portal, Teresa Larkin and Ciara Slattery with author Kate Thompson.

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