Thursday 20 May 2010

The Banjo Strikes Back at Fleadh Nua

BanjoThe reception which greets a Banjo Player when he or she turns up at a session often differs from that afforded to other musicians. For, despite the best efforts of Barney McKenna, Kieran Hanrahan and Gerry “Banjo” O’Connor, the Banjo does not enjoy universal and unqualified acceptance among the Trad Community. Thus the arrival of a “Framus” or a “Deering” on the scene can often spell the end of a session. Horrified at hearing of this discrimination, the Equality Authority demanded that Fleadh Nua take immediate action to remedy this injustice. And so “The Banjo Strikes Back!!” was born. Declan Brandon has kindly made his fine hostelry available for this dedicated Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Session – nowhere else in the town has the required level of sound proofing!! So if you prefer your tunes plucked rather than played join Fleadh Nua in Brandon’s on Friday, 28th May from 7.00 p.m. And remember - there is no show like a Banjo show! More info...

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