Thursday 22 July 2010

25 Books Every 'Lost' Fan Should Read

Lord of the FliesThe Onlineuniversities blog has recently posted a very interesting article featurung twenty five books referenced on the popular TV show 'Lost'. They include Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lord of the Flies and The Third Policeman. According to the blog, "If you’re a fan of 'Lost', you know that well-placed books were just some of the many clues (and red herrings) that the producers tossed in to heighten the mystery. Some of the books speak directly about the castaways’ situation, while others are more philosophical. The books on this list were all referenced on the show in some way, whether being read by a character or student, glimpsed quickly on a shelf, or just used as thematic inspiration". Click here for 25 Books Every 'Lost' Fan Should Read...

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