Tuesday 6 July 2010

Spraoi Heritage Weekend at Caherconnell Stone Fort

Caherconnell Stone Fort

The first annual Spraoi Heritage Weekend will take place at Caherconnell Stone Fort on the 10th & 11th July this year, where you can get a guided tour of the day-to-day workings of Irish Medieval Society. Age-old skills such as pole-lathe wood-turning, black-smithing, Bronze Age pottery making and cooking will be displayed on both Saturday and Sunday. You can also enjoy horse shoe pitching, family fun with a bouncing castle and much more throughout the weekend. This event is included free with admission to Caherconnell Stone Fort, with the Spraoi Heritage Weekend activities underway from 11-5pm each day. Caherconnell Stone Fort is open from March to October, 10am to 5.30pm daily. CafĂ©, craft shop and car-parking are available on site. Admission to the fort is €5 for an adult, and €14 for a family. Tel. 065 708 9999 www.burrenforts.ie

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