Wednesday 11 August 2010

Merriman Summer School 2010 in Ennis

Faith: Beyond Belief?
Creideamh: Creid é nó ná creid?
Cumann Merriman has a long tradition of exploring and reflecting on topical and pertinent societal issues. The theme of the 2010 Merriman Summer School, which will be held in Ennis from Wednesday 18th to Sunday 22nd August, is Faith: Beyond Belief? Lectures and symposia this year will address the question of faith, belief and religion in Irish culture and society. This will be the 43rd consecutive Merriman Summer School which will take place in the context of turbulence in matters of faith, religion and religious practice, and in particular a crisis of confidence in the structures and organisational behaviour of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. The debates will reflect on where we've come from as well as looking critically at the current and possible future role of religion in Irish society and in the personal lives of Irish people. Although it can be anticipated that there will be some emphasis on the current crisis brought on by the scandal of clerical and institutional child abuse, and the failures of the Roman Catholic Church, Cumann Merriman wishes to take a broader view.
Topics for analysis will include subjects such as:
• Philosophical considerations of faith and religion as elements of culture and society.
• Clericalism and the people of God.
• Religion, ethos, ownership and diversity in education.
• Faith and the law.
• ’The way we were’, piety and popular religion in both rural and urban Ireland prior to Vatican 2.
• The role of women in faith and Church.
• The decline of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.
• The secularisation of Irish society.
• A Church of Ireland perspective on the current state of religion in Ireland.
• Islamic and Humanist perspectives.
You can obtain more information about the 2010 Summer School by sending an email to or by phoning 086 382 0671 or on the website

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