Tuesday 1 February 2011

The Irish Post-Medieval Archaeology Group at Clare Museum

The Irish Post-Medieval Archaeology GroupThe Irish Post-Medieval Archaeology Group is proud to present its annual conference "Hearth, Home and Household From the 16th – 20th century: 400 years of material culture" from the 4th to the 6th of February, 2011 at the Clare Museum, O’Connell Square, Ennis. All welcome. The Irish Post-Medieval Archaeology Group (IPMAG) was established in Belfast in 1999. It is a voluntary organisation which seeks to promote amongst academics and the general public a greater understanding of Ireland’s past post-1550AD archaeology, history and material culture. It also seeks to promote a holistic approach to this material by means of greater cooperation with persons working in related fields of study. Click here for full conference programme...

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