Friday 4 March 2011

Derek Walcott wins TS Eliot Prize For Poetry

White EgretsCaribbean poet Derek Walcott has won this year's prestigious TS Eliot Prize for Poetry for his latest collection, White Egrets. Walcott won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1992. Judges' chair Anne Stevenson said the judges had found it difficult to choose a winner. But they concluded White Egrets "was a moving, risk-taking and technically flawless book by a great poet". Also on the shortlist of ten were collections by Seamus Heaney, Simon Armitage, Pascale Petit and John Haynes. The TS Eliot Prize is presented annually for the best new collection of poems published in the UK or Ireland. Last year's winner was Philip Gross for The Water Table. Previous winners include Don Paterson, Carol Ann Duffy, Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney and Alice Oswald.

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