Thursday 31 March 2011

William Trevor/Elizabeth Bowen International Short Story Competition

William Trevor/Elizabeth Bowen International Short Story Competition

Mitchelstown Literary Society is now accepting entries for the first annual William Trevor/Elizabeth Bowen International Short Story Competition 2011. Each story should contain a maximum of 3000 words and should be submitted, by post only, on or before Friday 29th April 2011 to Trevor/Bowen International Short Story Competition, 37 Upper Cork Street, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork. The Mitchelstown Literary Society says that “this is an ideal opportunity for creative writers to have the standard of their literary efforts appraised. Our short listing adjudicator for the competition is Vincent McDonnell, who is a well known short story writer and has won several prestigious national competitions in recent years. He will select a short list of circa 25 stories and the final adjudicator will be John MacKenna, whose recent book of short stories, The River Field, has received much critical acclaim. If competition, in any facet of life, is the act of testing oneself against, or being judged by, the best then, in this competition, that tenet certainly holds true”. The winner will receive the Prize of 2,500 Euro and a Laptop Computer.
Five runners up will receive cash prizes of 200.00 Euro each. There is an entry fee of 20.00 Euro per entry and each entry must have an official entry form attached.
Full details available at

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