Friday 29 April 2011

100 Inspiring Women

To mark the 100th International Women's Day on March 8th, the Guardian newspaper compiled a list of 100 inspiring women. It is not a power or wealth list but instead it's about an inspirational group of women whose influence will last. Guardian readers provided more than 3,000 suggestions from which the 100 were picked in various categories – activists & campaigners; art, music, film & fashion; business & trade unions; law; politics; science & medicine; sport & adventure; technology; television; writing and academia.

The Guardian’s top 100 women – writing and academia:
Maya Angelou - author
Margaret Atwood - author
Judith Butler – academic & author
Carol Ann Duffy - poet
Eve Ensler – playwright
Susan Faludi – author/social historian
Germaine Greer – academic & author
Lynda La Plante - author
Shere Hite – researcher & author
Doris Lessing - author
J.K. Rowling - author
Arundhati Roy - author
Marjane Satrapi – graphic novelist
Jessica Valenti - blogger
Alice Walker - author
Mary Warnock – philosopher & author

To see if you agree with their choices in all of the categories, see

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