Friday 29 April 2011

Frank Custy - Sé Mo Laoch

"Is as an Díseart i bparóiste Ruán i gCo. an Chláir do Frank Custy. Múinteoir scoile a bhí ann a spreag agus a spreagann daoine fós chun dul i mbun ceoil. Níor chuir sé mórán suime sa cheol go dtí go raibh sé 25 bliain d'aois agus é ag obair mar mhúinteoir scoile. Ag an am ní raibh uaidh ach iománaíocht agus chaith sé a óige ar an bpáirc. Tháinig príomhoide chuige lá amháin agus dúirt sé leis go gcaithfeadh sé ceol a mhúineadh do na daltaí scoile. Bheartaigh sé triail a bhaint as. Scéal neamhghnách is ea scéal Frank Custy. Bhí sé an-tógtha leis an iománaíocht ach ní raibh a fhios aige go mbeadh an ceol mar chuid lárnach dá shaol.

"Frank Custy was born in Dysart in the Ruane parish of Co. Clare. As a teacher he inspired and still does people to take up music. He didn't become interested in music until he was 25 year old and working as a school teacher. At the time he was a passionate hurler and wanted nothing else but to be on the pitch. One day the principal came to see him and told him that he would have to teach music to the pupils in his class. This was a worry to him but he decided to try it out. The rest as they say is history. Frank Custy's story is an unusual one, he changed from being a man who was crazy about hurling into a man who had music pumping through his blood."

Posted on Youtube on the 11th of June 2010 by TG4gaeilge. See also part 2 at

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story. What wonderful music and having so much of the video in Irish made it even better.

    Again many thanks from the farmwife in Illinois
