Thursday 14 April 2011

Hands that Tell Tales – Puppetry Workshop

Thomas Baker, Director of Your Man’s Puppets theatre companyTransition Year students from Colaiste Muire, Ennis, were recently treated to a three- hour workshop presented by Thomas Baker, Director of Your Man’s Puppets theatre company based in Galway. A puppet theatre director, builder and performer, Thomas also works as a freelance educator in puppetry skills. Sharing his expertise with an enraptured audience of 25 teenagers, the Hands that Tell Tales workshop took place at deValera Public Library, Ennis, on the 30th of March 2011. This event along with others during Teen Week 2011 was organized by library staff with a view to opening doors to possible alternative careers for senior cycle students. During the workshop the group received an introductory course in puppetry and explored puppet making and manipulation. The students were introduced to a large variety of puppets and learned how they’re used to express action and emotions and to deliver dialogue through theatre games and storytelling.

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