Tuesday 26 April 2011

Martin Hayes headlines Aughty Gathering 2011

Martin Hayes Headlines Aughty Gathering 2011

Preparations are underway for the 6th Aughty Earth Day Gathering. Slógadh Eachtaí Lough Graney 2011 will take place at Caher House on the shores of Lough Graney in county Clare. The date is Saturday 7th May and registration is at 9.15. The Aughty Earth Day Gathering is organised each year in a different location by a local group. The event was previously held in Crusheen, Kilchreest /Castledaly, Woodford, Tuamgraney and in 2010 in Gort. The day is informal and is dedicated to hospitality. Everyone is welcome to attend and to share their knowledge and interest in the heritage of the Sliabh Aughty region.

The picturesque setting of the shores of Lough Graney, famed in Brian Merriman’s Midnight Court, will this year provide the backdrop for the 6th Annual Aughty Gathering. The Aughty Gathering 2011, or Slógadh Eachtaí as it has become known, will take place this year in the beautifully restored Caher House on Lough Graney. Caher House, the home of the O’Hara family and later the O’Dwyers, has been restored to its original magnificence and is set among one of the most breathtakingly beautifully estates in Ireland.

This year’s programme includes all aspects of our heritage. The morning session which begins at 10 am with a welcome from local poet and historian Joe Noonan, is followed by the first presentation by Mary Noonan on The East Clare Way from its very early genesis at local level to what later blossomed into the National Walking Route. Cyril Killeen will consider the benefits of the newly proposed Aughty Walking Festival proposed to be held annually in the region. The Lough Graney Youth Group undertook a wonderful local initiative recently by capturing a snapshot in time of this very rural community. This culminated in the production of the prize winning film, Inside Out. The gathering looks forward to this presentation by the Youth Group and their directors. Cuimneamh an Chlair, a Clare based oral folklore initiative, spearheaded by Tomás MacConmara, has succeeded in amassing an extremely valuable fount of vivid and colourful memories from our elderly community. Tomás will speak on the value of such a record both locally and nationally.

Before lunch the Gathering will be focusing on the hugely significant Reaching Out project, being undertaken at present in East Galway. Mike Feerick will share the experience of a community reaching out to the huge Irish-Diaspora who may never have had the chance to visit our shores. Following lunch at 12.30 and a break to mingle and network, the Gathering will reconvene at 1.45 with a short presentation by Dr Aine Phillips on The Aughty Public Art Project. The presentation on our East Clare Musical Heritage will be in good hands when Helen Hayes will speak on the experience of hosting the hugely successful Feakle International Music Festival held annually in
August. Helen, a long time member of the organising committee will share the group’s experience to date. Finally, the Gathering are hugely honoured to welcome the world
renowned musician Martin Hayes to this year’s Gathering. In an interview Martin will share his experience of growing up on Lough Graney’s shores and how this experience has shaped him as a person and an artist. Paula Carroll, takes charge of this much anticipated interview. Volumes of publications by local authors will be available on the day. Numbers are quite limited, due to space restrictions. Booking early is advised. Further details on the timetable for the day are available on www.aughty.org. Lunch needs to booked in advance also. Further enquiries to Mary on 0861078699 or email slogadheachtai@gmail.com.

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