Wednesday 19 October 2011

Variety of music in Killaloe Library during Children’s Book Festival

Tony Maude at Killaloe Library

John Lillis at Killaloe Library

During Children’s Book Festival 2011, Killaloe Public Library was joined by thirty 5th and 6th class boys from Killaloe Boys National school for a music workshop with John Lillis. The boys were highly entertained by a mixture of hip hop, beat-boxing, scratching, DJ culture and sampling of their voices etc. John had no problems holding the boys attention for the hour and his session was very well suited to their age. The workshop was very interactive and hands on and all the boys had a chance to use the variety of technical equipment that he had. Lots of fun and entertainment was had by all! Also during the festival, Killaloe Library had an excellent session of songs, stories, riddles and rhymes with Tony Maude, with over fifty 3rd to 6th class girls from Killaloe Girls National school. Tony kept them enthralled with a diverse array of music and song. His performance was very interactive and fun and the girls were more than willing to participate in every aspect. Tony brought a new approach to the works of Shakespeare and Robert Louis Stephenson by performing them to music and encouraging the girls to contribute and sing along. All in all a very enjoyable and worthwhile performance from a talented musician and poet.

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