Thursday 3 November 2011

Tulla Ceilidh Band, Willie Clancy 2011, Miltown Malbay by Shona McMill

Shona McMill writes:

"I didn't know I would be filming anything but simply heard the music coming from the hall and followed the sound. I only had my wee camera in my pocket but there was such a HAPPY atmosphere in the place that I wanted to capture images from it as best as I could. The sound is very poor (and at the venue it was excellent) - indeed, when the film switches over to photos its because I laid my wee camera at Martin's feet and went off and got my other camera to take photos of the band (and I maybe squeezed in a happy wee dance too!). Anyway, please be aware, it is with the greatest respect that I tried to take photos and film the people there. Having been to Clare before (and loved the place) this felt almost like being home again, the absolute favourite evening of my holiday! For me, this night was EXACTLY as musical evenings used to be at the Shetland Fiddlers Association in Edinburgh - when I was a child, learning to play the fiddle by ear (it was all about loving the music and having fun!). Playing for dancers is a wonderful experience and certainly what I prefer (to performing in concert style) - dancers and musicians, everyone coming together to have an excellent time and, even although this film is such poor quality - I think (and hope) it does reflect what a wonderful evening it was and just how much folks were enjoying themselves at this midweek ceilidh during the festival. MY GRATEFUL THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE for letting me film. And to see more photos from the night, please visit my Ireland album on my Shona McMillan Celtic Reflections page:". Posted on Youtube on the 13th of July 2011 by ShonaMcMillan.

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