Wednesday 25 January 2012

Women’s Night at Banner Books, Ennistymon

As part of its regular series of readings of poetry and prose, Banner Books is extremely delighted to welcome Vivienne McKechnie to Ennistymon at 7.30 pm on Friday 3 February. The series, which has, since the shop’s opening last May, held these readings on the last Friday of the month, will now switch, from February, to the first Friday of each month. Friday 3 February will be the first occasion when the principal guest is a woman, and so it is proposed that on this particular evening it will be “open house” to women poets and writers, who are welcome to support Vivienne in this venture with readings from their own work.

After graduating in English, History and Psychology from Trinity College, Dublin, Vivienne spent some years as a teacher in Ireland and overseas. Now living in Limerick, her poetry has been published in “Revival”, “Stony Thursday” and “The Limerick Leader”. She has also read her poems, which are about memory, love and loss, on Lyric-FM and at the Cuisle International Poetry Festival in the Limerick City Gallery of Art. Having been a guest poet at the White House in Limerick, she is now looking forward to reaching into the heart of County Clare. For four years she has been on the committee of the Kate O’Brien Weekend, and responsible for inviting its speakers. This year’s guest will be Seamus Heaney. The event will take place on 24, 25 and 26 February, and further information can be gained by visiting Vivienne discovered Banner Books by chance one Saturday, and has said that to read here will be a “wonderful opportunity”. Admission is free and refreshments are provided, but seating is very limited. A lively evening, with women taking centre stage, is promised.

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