Thursday 8 March 2012

Big increase in visits to Clare Museum

During the first two months of 2012, over 2,900 people visited the Clare Museum representing a 31% increase in visitors when compared to January and February last year. These figures continue a trend that began last Autumn following the appointment of an Education Officer through the Jobsbridge Internship programme and the recruitment of volunteer tour guides. “We have implemented a comprehensive programme of activities so far this year, including a St Bridget’s Day Festival for primary schools and ‘Being an Archaeologist’ for Transition Years” said Museum Curator John Rattigan. “Further activities are planned in the coming months for Easter for schools and young people around the Bealtaine Festival for both children and senior citizens. There is also a new temporary exhibition in preparation and a public talk on El Camino de Santiago is at the planning stage”.

Recently Clare Museum launched a ‘Recession-busting Schools Package’ for primary schools throughout Clare and beyond in partnership with Ennis Walking Tours, Clare Leisure World and Supermac’s, while a similar package for Secondary Schools is being finalised. “Clare Museum is playing its part in attracting visitors to Ennis as a cultural centre, tourist attraction and an educational resource”, John Rattigan concluded.

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