Thursday 22 March 2012

Local Community Heritage Initiatives

National Tidy Towns Competition
This initiative is run by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government and is sponsored by SuperValu. With hundreds of awards covering every aspect of the local environment and over €250,000 in prize money, this is by far the biggest community environmental initiative and has been running for over 50 years. Heritage is an integral part of the National Tidy Towns Competition as each entrant is assessed under criteria including the built environment and wildlife and natural amenities. The Tidy Town’s Heritage Award, sponsored by The Heritage Council, seeks to promote a greater awareness of the contribution of heritage to our quality of life and to sustainable economic development. With that in mind, The Heritage Council seeks to recognise projects that benefit heritage, involve the community and motivate people. It seeks to encourage a better understanding of our heritage and the impact everybody’s actions have upon it. The project must demonstrate long-term sustainability and appreciation of heritage.

All-Ireland Pride of Place Competition
The Pride of Place competition assesses a selection of groups nominated by local authorities through various mechanisms to represent their county. Criteria are quite broad and as well as looking at environmental projects they also include wider social activities such as provision of crèche facilities, supports for elderly persons, etc. The competition is hosted by Co-operation Ireland under its local authority programme in conjunction with the cross-border Local Authority Steering Forum. More info...

Clare in Bloom
The Clare in Bloom competition is a motivational mechanism for community bodies, tidy town and tidy village groups etc. to enhance the visual impact of their settlements by means of flower, tree and shrub planting. More info...

National Tree Week
The purpose of national tree week is to encourage community groups and schools to enhance their towns and villages by planting native trees in public spaces. National tree week is usually held in early March each year. It is organised by the Tree Council of Ireland. Clare County Council provides mature native trees and Coillte provide young saplings free of charge to community groups and schools. These trees are planted in public places and serve to enhance the local environment.

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