Wednesday 7 March 2012

Minister O’Sullivan presents FETAC Awards at Shannon Library

Minister Jan O'Sullivan presents Sarah Kirby with her FETAC Award

Jan O'Sullivan TD Minister of State, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government with special responsibility for Housing and Planning, visited Seán Lemass Public Library, Shannon, on Friday 24th February 2012 to present FETAC Awards to adult Learners. Shannon’s mature adult learners turned out in style to meet the Minister and accept certificates marking a major achievement in their lives. The Minister congratulated the adult learners who had returned to education, taking on new direction in their lives with a new course of study. She praised them for their courage and capabilities for stepping out from the crowd. She said they demonstrated perseverance, pride and promise and were a source of inspiration to others. The Mayor of Shannon, Councillor Mary Brennan, welcomed the Minister to Shannon, and remarked on the various services provided by the library service and the long and rewarding association and collaboration between the two services of Shannon Public Library and Shannon Adult and Community Learning Centre.

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