Tuesday 17 April 2012

The 7th Earth Day Aughty Gathering

Mickey Cunningham ploughing in the 1950s. From Killeenadeema-Aille: History and Heritage / Stair agus Oidhreacht. Pat O’Looney (Editor) 2009 ISBN 978 0 9561736 0 7
Preparations are underway for the 7th Aughty Earth Day Gathering. Slógadh Eachtaí 2012: Cillíní Díoma is Liathdrom will take place at Leitrim Hall, Leitrim, Loughrea. The date is Saturday 21st April and registration is at 9.15. The Aughty Earth Day Gathering is organised each year in a different location by a local group. The event was previously held in Crusheen, Kilchreest /Castledaly, Woodford, Tuamgraney, Gort and at Lough Graney in 2011. The day is informal and is dedicated to hospitality. Everyone is welcome to attend and to share their knowledge and interest in the heritage of the Sliabh Aughty.
Contact: Ruth Ní Shiadhail / Pádraig Ó Luanaigh
Email: slogadheachtai@gmail.com
Web: www.aughty.org

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