Thursday 26 July 2012

Luka Bloom & Steve Cooney: The Race Runs Me (Live in Lahinch) - for The Irish Olympians

"The Race runs me: so said Sonia O'Sullivan, one of Ireland's great Olympians, in her autobiography. She was describing a rare moment in a perfect race, running with the cream of top athletes. Sometimes there are moments when you are oblivious to crowd, noise, flags. You are running together. It only lasts a moment but in this precious moment I am no longer running a race; the race is running me. This song is dedicated to all the Irish athletes who work so hard to arrive at their peak, and give so much to bring a little joy in these troubled times. And this version is from a recent gig in Kenny's, in Lahinch, County Clare. I was performing with my friend Steve Cooney. What a night, what a buzz; and among the singers in the crowd, you can hear the voices of my new friends in the Osterbro Pigekor Choir from Copenhagen." (Luka Bloom). Posted on Youtube on the 24th of July 2012 by LukaBloomVideos.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love you posts! I'll be back in your area Dec 27, will you be open that week? I would love to stop in and say hello.
