Tuesday 22 January 2013

Much more fun with children’s reading

Check out this website http://uk.pearson.com/enjoy-reading to find out how reading for children can be much more fun.Speaking recently on Sky News Sunrise, Children’s Laureate, Julia Donaldson explained how, by reading short and simple plays all children in a class can become involved, each having a part to play, thereby interacting completely with the text. The Bug Club Plays provide a selection of 36 short plays designed to bring fun to reading. Play the video available at the website listed above, and learn how you can interact with reading like never before. The plays are perfect for both guided and independent reading. Beautiful illustrations and unforgettable characters will keep wandering minds engaged. Every play is available as an interactive eBook - kids pick the part they want to play by clicking on who they want to be in the play. they read the lines of that character and the others are read back to them. Julia Donaldson’s The Sockosaurus is already available to you free of charge. You can decide to read all the parts yourself or let the computer read some of them for you. Speaking about the Bug Club Plays, The Children's Laureate, Julia Donaldson had the following to say: "These books are rooted in my own experiences. When helping to oversee a reading group with my eldest child, I realised that sometimes when reading books children would read in a wooden way, and get bored easily when it wasn't their turn. I hit on the idea of writing some very short and simple plays where they could all get involved. It worked a treat. The children loved having a part to read, and they started putting much more expression into the words."

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