Monday 25 March 2013

Our daily bread: food and drink in medieval Irish monasteries

The North Clare Historical Society presents a lecture by Colmán Ó Clabaigh OSB, at 8pm on Tuesday 26th March 2013 in the Courthouse Gallery, Ennistymon. Colmán Ó Clabaigh is a Benedictine monk of Glenstal Abbey, County Limerick and a specialist in the history of monastic and religious orders in medieval Ireland. His publications include works on medieval Irish Benedictine monks, Franciscan friars, hermits and anchorites, Augustinian Canons, Nuns and the Knights Templars and Hospitallers. His most recent publication, The Friars in Ireland, 1224-1540, was published in April, 2012. He is currently researching a chapter on the Church in Medieval Ireland for inclusion in the forthcoming three-volume Cambridge History of Ireland. His talk 'Our daily bread: food and drink in medieval Irish monasteries' will explore the manner in which religious produced and consumed food in late medieval Ireland.

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