Friday 10 May 2013

Mullaghmore Mountain in County Clare - Trek Ireland Treadmill

"Described by John O'Donoghue, author of Anam Cara, a book of Celtic Wisdom, Mullaghmore mountain is a holy mountain, a 'tabernacle' situated in the very heart of the Burren 'whose twisted shapes evokes a poignancy that once glimpsed can never be forgotten'. On a glorious sunny day, with wild flowers of every description bursting out through the bare limestone rock Trek Ireland's treadmill video follows a Famine relief road before turning sharply off the road to walk roughshod over the glints and grikes of this wonderful landscape, passing dry stone walls and sheep pens, to the top of a hillock..." Posted on Youtube on the 29th of April 2013 by Jake Mac Manus.

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