Thursday 4 July 2013

Irish Aid ‘Education for All Awards’ exhibition, Kilrush Library

Over 600 schools from all over Ireland registered for the ‘Our World Irish Aid Awards’ and St Senan’s Primary School Kilrush was one of the 15 schools who were short listed for the Regional Final, which took place in Croke Park on June 18th. The 2013 Awards theme, “Education for all the world’s children” helped to raise awareness amongst children of the links between education and poverty in the world and the comparison between their lives and the lives of families in developing countries. Teachers were provided with lesson plans, information, support and advice and children were encouraged to present their ideas and understanding of this topic through a range of media including art, music, drama, photography and film. Congratulations to two pupils from St Senan’s Kilrush, Ava Cullinan and Dylan Gilmartin who were Munster Finalists of the Sightsavers Junior Painter Awards. St Senan’s School received an award in recognition of their achievement for excellence in global awareness as part of the “Our World Irish Aid Awards 2012/2013. The winning entries and plaque will be on display at Kilrush Public Library throughout the month of July.

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