Thursday 15 August 2013

Dancing at the Teach Ceoil, Corofin

"Every Thursday night during July and August, my little village (Corofin) hosts a traditional seisiún at the Teach Ceoil (CHUCK yole, literally house of music). For the first forty-five minutes, entertainment is provided by a group of local and very talented young musicians and dancers. At the break, refreshments are trotted out on a long table: biscuits, scones with butter and jam, buttered bread, and tea/coffee served in china cups. After refreshments, the evening is open to anyone who wants to join in. I've seen some wonderful dance, singing, recitations, story-telling, and other cool performances. It is so much fun, and I'm so glad to have chosen to live in Corofin. It's a happenin' place for more than just Teach Ceoil. The first girl is dancing Sean-nós (SHAN ose), or old style Irish dance. It's looser and less formal than the traditional Irish step dance. The next girl is a talented musician who can also 'cut a mean rug' with a broom. The last dancer is Peggy, a fine dancer in her own right!" Posted on Youtube on the 12th of August 2013 by Janet Buell.

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