Wednesday 30 October 2013

Another moment from the magic of the Willie Clancy Festival

"On occasion a session can be riding high with the roar of instruments as musicians join mightily into the tunes threaded together masterfully by those leading that same session and then, out of nowhere there is that moment seized by one of the group which, like the parting of the Red Sea, creates a new and exciting space which is brim-full of energy and depth. Whether this space is created in a conscious or unconscious moment no one will ever know, but to honour the moment every one fades into the background and they then follow trustingly because they sense the energy of the contribution. This session in the Bellbridge Hotel on the Thursday of the 'Willie Week' captures such a moment. In the midst of great session musicians like Seamus Meehan and Mary Corcoran, this amazing flute player called Tommy Fitzharris parts the waters and leads the way and boy...what a journey." Posted on Youtube on the 24th of July 2013 by Alan Hilliard.

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