Tuesday 18 March 2014

Ag Ceiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge i Leabharlanna Phoiblí na Scairbhe agus na Tulaí

"An inspiring presence, always a hit in the library, teachers and students found the 90 minute session flew", are just some of the comments from staff in Scariff and Tulla public libraries on the Seachtain na Gaeilge visits to their branches by author Ré O Laighléis. Ré is a regular visitor to the libraries in Clare and his sessions are always appreciated and enjoyed by staff, teachers and students. Getting to know his audiences in a short time is one of his specialities and his sessions go far beyond readings, to become performances full of energy and enthusiasm that inspire an interest in books, libraries and reading among his teenage audiences. In both Scariff and Tulla libraries Ré had his listeners hooked from the beginning and pitched his talk at just the right level using gaeilge agus béarla to ensure everyone got maximum benefit from the sessions. Míle buíochas do na múinteóirí agus na daltaí ó scoileanna na Tulaí agus na Scairbhe as ucht tacú le clár Sheachtain na Gaeilge na bliana seo.

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