Monday 10 March 2014

Brian Boru Puppet Show at Kilrush and Scariff Libraries

Over 110 children were entertained at Kilrush Public Library on Friday 7th March with a new interactive production of Brian Boru by Honest Arts Production Company. This 35 minute show brings to life the times of Brian Boru with an entertaining story using artists and puppets. It ties in very well with the commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of the death of Brian Boru.

Scariff Library marked World Book Day with a lively puppet show celebrating the life of Clare’s hero, Brian Boru. Honest Arts Production company presented a wonderful half hour interactive show at Scariff Library. Almost 100 children aged between 9-12 years from Scariff National School, Tuamgraney National School and Whitegate National School attended the event. The show was highly energised and informative, bringing to life the life-story of Brian Boru. Children and teachers alike enjoyed the production

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