Monday 24 March 2014

Novel Destinations

This book promotion, currently in Seán Lemass Public Library, Shannon, features a selection of novels set in holiday destinations popular with Irish holidaymakers. Fiction can often create a sense of place more powerfully than any travel guide. Reading a novel set in a country that you’re visiting can enhance your appreciation and understanding of the place, while being surrounded by the sights, sounds and smells of the country can enrich the story that you are reading. These atmospheric books will transport readers to their next potential holiday destination or allow them to relive a previous visit. They enrich the experience of travel by capturing the spirit of a place and remain with the reader long after the visit is over. For those who can only dream of escaping abroad, these novels will transport you from the wild landscapes of Western Australia via the Piazza of Venice and the rural French village of Lansquenet to the streets of New York. The majority of the novels have been published since 2000 although some earlier novels that capture the spirit of a place particularly well have been included. Some of the novels are translations from the original language. So whether you are planning your next holiday, reliving a previous one or are content to ‘travel’ from the comfort of your armchair, we hope that these recommended novels will take you there.

See also our promotion Around the World in 22 Days – a selection of the best in non-fiction travel writing, and our Book Promotions for Adults at .

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