Monday 10 March 2014

World Book Day Art Workshop with Alan Shoosmith in Shannon Library

Local artist Alan Shoosmith entertained 29 children from 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes from Gaelscoil Donncha Rua with his World Book Day Art Workshop in Seán Lemass Public Library, Shannon, on Thursday 6th March. The pupils from the Gaelscoil are weekly visitors to the library with their teacher and are particularly keen on the ‘Big Nate’ series of books by Lincoln Pierce. Alan was delighted to show them all how to draw Big Nate and his pals. There was hushed silence from the children while Alan demonstrated how to draw the characters and then there followed a lively discussion amongst the students about drawing and about the Big Nate books. When the workshop was over, one of the students thanked Alan on behalf of the class. They took some of Alan’s drawings back to the school with them and they plan to hang them up in their classroom as a reminder of the fun they had in the library.

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