Tuesday 4 November 2014

Children’s Book Festival 2014 in Scariff Library

Children’s Book Festival 2014 was a great success in Scariff Public Library with hundreds of children participating in a jam-packed programme designed to encourage children to enjoy the experience and the magic of reading. Storytellers Niall de Burca and Pat Ryan held audiences spellbound with shows full of energy, wit and humour. Two award winning children’s authors, Nicola Pierce and Paula Leyden, attended the festival this year and brought with them stories from Zambia and Stalingrad. Both spoke enthusiastically about their lives as writers and have no doubt inspired a new generation of storytellers and writers. With a mixture of pictures, sounds and videos, David Lyons, wildlife ranger with the National Parks and Wildlife Service, brought to life the amazing wildlife to be found in County Clare and two hands-on events, a Halloween Arts and Craft session for younger children and an Introduction to Animation Workshop for older children and teenagers, brought Children’s Book Festival 2014 to a close.

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