Friday 5 December 2014

Almost 20,000 links added to library website

There are over 6,500 monuments in County Clare as recorded by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland, and Clare County Library has a page dedicated to each one of them on our website. We have recently added three links to each of these web pages, linking from each web page to a Bing satellite view of each monument, the monument’s position on the 1842 Ordnance Survey maps, and a Bing satellite view with an 1842 OS overlay showing all monuments and enclosures in the locality.

On the library website homepage click on the link to ‘Archaeology’ and select a monument type from the list on the left. As an example, select ‘Tower Houses’. Between the 15th and 17th centuries the custom of building castles gave way to the building of structures whose main function was as a residence, rather than a solely defensive site. These buildings were called tower houses. There are c.80 tower houses surviving in County Clare, many of them in a very good state of preservation.

Click on the link to ‘Carrigaholt Castle’ and this will bring you to a page dedicated to this monument. On this page you will see additional links for the castle On 1842 Ordnance Survey Map (using GenMaps); On Bing maps satellite view (using GenMaps); and On Bing maps satellite view with OS Map overlay showing all monuments and enclosures (using GenMaps). There are links from the Clare Genmaps system back to each monument also, of course.

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