Tuesday 3 March 2015

International Women’s Day in County Clare

Join Me on the Bridge
The Clare Women’s Network is holding a gathering on Bank Place Bridge on Saturday 7th March from 11.30am to 12.30pm as part of the international ‘Join Me on the Bridge’ campaign that is celebrated throughout the world in conjunction with International Women’s Day. The ‘Join me on the Bridge’ campaign started in 2010 when women from Rwanda and the Congo joined hands across a bridge between the two warring countries, to say NO to war and YES to peace and to show how they could build bridges of peace for the future. Please join us on the day to show your solidarity with these women and all who disproportionally suffer the effects of war. More info from Sarah Ferrigan 0656828731

International Women’s Day lunch
The Clare Women’s Network together with Clare Immigrant Support Centre will host a lunch with music, song, poetry and discussion on Saturday 7th March from 1pm to 4pm at Ennis Community Development Project, Clonroad Business Park, Ennis. 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action to which 189 countries throughout the world signed up. Mary Robinson was instrumental in outlining 12 critical areas of concern for women and we will be looking at what impact, if any, the Platform had on the lives of women in County Clare. Please join us for an uplifting afternoon and you are welcome to bring some food to share. More info from Orla Ni Eili 0872385990 or Sarah Ferrigan 065 6828731

Music on Sunday
On Sunday 8th March there will be music, plus beauty, hairdressing and cancer care consultations from 3.00pm onwards in The Local, Newbridge Road, Ennis. See Facebook page WONDER WOMEN IRELAND.

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