Wednesday 24 June 2015

Fertile Rock, an illustrated display in Ennistymon Library to mark the 2015 Burren Tolkien Society Festival

North Clare’s world-renowned Burren region has long been a place of inspiration to writers, poets and artists from near and far. The landscape of this special place has been imaginatively depicted by Nobel Laureates, wandering bards, academics, dreamers and scribes of every hue.

An illustrated display from Clare County Library will run in Ennistymon Public Library from the 25th of June to the 17th of July 2015, featuring seven well-known writers and poets with examples of some of their Burren-inspired writings:

W.B. Yeats and Corcomroe Abbey
Seamus Heaney and the Flaggy Shore
George Bernard Shaw and new Quay
Anthony Trollope and the Cliffs
Emily Lawless and the Burren
John Betjeman and the Burren
Charles Lucas and the Burren

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