Wednesday 1 July 2015

Burren walk for the Blind, 9th July 2015

On Thursday 9th July 2015, Burrenbeo Trust, in association with the National Council for the Blind, are organising a Burren walk for people who are visually impaired. Building on the very successful ‘Walk with a Difference’ for wheelchair users, the walk for the blind will enable participants to experience the Burren in all its glory through the guidance of some of the Burren’s leading heritage experts.

The day will begin in Carron with a brief introduction to the Burren, before the group travels to the Burren Perfumery to visit their scented flower garden and a short demonstration of the work at the perfumery. The walkers will then travel the short distance to the local green road, where a number of experts will bring the landscape, farming and the flora and fauna of the Burren to life.

‘We’re delighted to be working with the NCBI this year,’ explained Richard Morrison, walk organiser with the Burrenbeo Trust. ‘The Burren is such an amazing landscape with vast natural, built and cultural heritage, it’s great to be able to open it to a wide range of new audiences, particularly for those that might ordinarily have access difficulties.’

Burrenbeo Trust is Ireland's only landscape conservation charity working to raise awareness and appreciation of the Burren. NCBI, the national sight loss agency, is a not for profit charitable organisation which provides support and services nationwide to people experiencing sight loss.

This walk is open to anyone who is visually impaired however there are a limited number of spaces available on the walk so booking in advance is essential. For more information contact or 091 638096. Burrenbeo Trust are grateful to the International Charities Bazaar for supporting this event and the ‘Walk with a Difference’ for wheelchair users which will be held on the 26th August 2015.

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