Friday 14 August 2015

Scariff library - hive of activity during Scariff Harbour Festival

Scariff Public Library was a hive of activity during the recent Scariff Harbour Festival. On Saturday 1st August, artist Grace Burton worked in a cloud of glitter and feathers to produce costume masks with some 70 children in a free workshop. In the afternoon, author Donal Ryan read several excerpts from his works including one from an as of yet unpublished short story. Engaging and funny, he gave a good insight into his characters, their creation and development. He pointed out that none of the content of his stories are made up, but are all based on true life experiences and happenings, albeit embellished at times. He also spoke about writing and how it happened for him, the trials and tribulations of getting published (or not!), about his early life growing up and the people in his life who helped to form him as a writer.

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