Wednesday 4 November 2015

Science Week 2015: Clare County Library presents The Trouble with Titanic

Science Week Ireland runs from the 8th to the 15th of November 2015 marking the 20th anniversary of this national, annual event that celebrates the fascinating worlds of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Clare County Library is taking part in the celebrations by hosting a science show, compliments of Science Federation Ireland, in its branches at Kilrush, Kilkee, Ennis and Shannon.

The Trouble with Titanic will take place on the 12th Nov at Kilrush Library beginning at 10.15am and the second show on the same day will be in Kilkee Library at 1 o’clock.

On the 13th Nov the show will be hosted by Shannon Library at 10.15am and by DeValera Library, Ennis in the afternoon at 1.00pm.

During the 45 minute show children will find out why the Titanic is so famous and what is it about it that keeps people interested.

In this interactive show for 9-12 olds, audiences will explore what makes things float or sink, what was so special about the Titanic’s design that made people think it was a very safe ship, and what went so wrong on that night to remember in 1912 when it struck an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic. After all, it was alright when it left Belfast…!!

Science Week Ireland is an annual event which first took place in 1996 and has grown to a programme of over 800 events scheduled across the country.

It aims to make science more interesting and accessible to children and adults alike. It highlights how science, technology and engineering are hugely relevant to us all in our everyday lives, leads to interesting and exciting career options and develops creativity in our children.

Clare County Library is pleased to invite primary schoolchildren to this free event to experience science first-hand and enjoy a science demonstration, have fun with experiments and discover the answers to the most curious science questions.

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