Tuesday 8 December 2015

Library Development Plan 2016-2020 - We need your help

Clare County Library is in the process of preparing a Library Development Plan to cover the period 2016-2020. The previous plan covered the period 2010-2015 and achieved success in a number of areas: the appearance of buildings, improvements in IT provision, literacy programmes, children’s services, enhanced promotion of book culture and reading and continued management and preservation of the written, photographic, oral and musical culture of the county. It also saw the construction and opening of the new library at Cultúrlann Sweeney in Kilkee in 2012.

As part of the process, we are now actively seeking consultation with the public on the development and future priorities for the service. The plan is being prepared within the guidelines outlined in “Opportunities for All: a strategy for Public Libraries 2013-2017” and against the backdrop of other policies such as the National Cultural Policy and the Clare County Council Development Plan 2017-2023.

Clare County Council recognizes that the public library network is at the centre of communities and submissions are invited from individuals, groups and organizations as to how you wish to see the library service develop in the years ahead. As with the previous plan, of particular interest are submissions from infrequent/non-users of the service. The services of the public library are provided on the basis of equality of access for all.

Submissions should be emailed to mailbox@clarelibrary.ie or sent by post to County Librarian, Development Plan Submission, Clare County Library HQ, Mill Road, Ennis, County Clare. Closing date for submissions is 31st January, 2016

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