Friday 11 December 2015

Surfing in County Clare at Samhain, Summer's End

"Samhain is Gaelic meaning "Summer's End" and pronounced “sah-win”. It's a celebration of the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter or the “darker half" of the year. It was during this time that a pumping ocean swell hit Europe. Filmed over two days in County Clare on Ireland's wild Atlantic coast, primarily at the rarely working, heaving slab of a surf spot called "Laurens" at the foot of the 700ft high Cliffs of Moher. The wind was offshore, the surf was classic and the sun cast everything in a golden light. It felt like summers end. Days later winter took hold and the cold, grey returned. This film was conceived as part of our #Talking Story project where through our book, film, still images and interviews we set about capturing the stories and characters which enrich our surfing lives. The story which inspired us in Clare is of a group of friends and surfers who take on everything the Atlantic can throw at their coast. Pete, Seamus and Fionan hold down regular jobs and other than the waves they surf, they lead regular lives. They ride Ireland's heaviest Winter surf for the fun and comradery, not for the glory. This is what makes their story special." Posted on Vimeo on the 27th of November 2015 by Northcore.

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