Monday 21 March 2016

1916 Table Discussion Series in Scariff Library

The second in a series of talks around aspects of the 1916 Rising took place in Scariff Public Library on Tuesday 15th March with a large crowd in attendance. The session kicked off with a reading of the Proclamation to mark Proclamation Day, after which Pearse O’Shiel told the fascinating story of his Grandfather, Harry Shiels, who was on active duty in Dublin as a volunteer during the Rising. Pearse had medals and letters relating to his grandfather which further enhanced the story. Following this, a lively and information discussion between the panel and the audience took place about the motives for revolution back then and today. The first session of the talks in February focussed on the Proclamation itself and was equally interesting. It included a presentation by Colm Madden and a letter from Padraig Pearse, which was sent to a relative of a member of the audience, was produced and passed around. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 12th April at 7.30pm and will look at the music, song and poetry of the time. All are welcome to attend.

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